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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 18 players | 2020-09-27T21:26:57.527Z

6|LaTn|Edux22171.29021% Japan
3MAR_VAL61320.33045% Australia
2lawnchair48133.69037% Australia
2)_(21171.24024% United States
2lee-wales-uk13170.76023% Italy
2HarryBrowne340.75020% Australia
1Maisels_Weisse3170.1816% Germany
0Googlebot1291.33020% Australia

0aua.aua20210.95040% Germany
0Super_Girl17260.65033% Italy
0Chief_Nick13270.48118% Australia
0apf11260.42118% Australia
0Iam10180.56022% Russian Federation
0(&)Gemelli8270.3112% Italy
0G|C|C7290.24025% Germany
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