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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 18 players | 2020-09-25T23:16:17.917Z

2sad58183.22049% Italy
2'sync[PL]DON13190.68021% Russian Federation
1Yaboi_K19191018% Germany
1Kryptel11250.44014% Italy
0pslpgw2273.14064% Australia
0c29170.53012% Russian Federation
0(&)Gemelli230.67040% Italy

0El38|Spectrum43182.39138% Russian Federation
0(&)Lumache15180.83020% Croatia
0Ao1|Pointblank1291.33021% Australia
0--V--10220.45013% Turkey
0CHAKALL861.33030% Bulgaria
0TingTong6270.2205% Slovenia
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