!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 19 players | 2020-09-21T14:42:33.685Z

6Holgiwood9200.45122% Germany
3Ooooh_Yeah33271.22132% Australia
2CHAKALL26171.53026% Bulgaria
1Ukr8200.4014% Ukraine
0Sauerkraut23320.72022% Australia
0Loreand924.5064% Hungary
0thestyxcode8200.4025% Germany
0certified.idiot4150.2713% Czech Republic
0тимyp03000% Russian Federation
0blorb-18-0.1210% Australia

2(&)Ptitim21191.11024% Bulgaria
1PeasePudding560.83025% Italy
0Momo62154.13150% Germany
0opfer39172.29154% Sweden
0Toranaga9210.43016% Switzerland
0mongo_F8200.4012% Japan
0CenteuryLinkBad2110.18011% Australia
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