!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 18 players | 2020-09-21T14:01:37.739Z

3Winston21240.88022% United Kingdom
3cjubix12280.43014% Germany
2Grrrr!!19260.73027% France
1el_Gamberoni45251.8038% Italy
1programer18190.95024% Russian Federation
0[RUSS]julia47212.24036% Russian Federation
0ЪУЪ_CЪУKA961.5040% Ukraine
0certified.idiot22106% Czech Republic

2pimp44371.19244% Australia
2navras17280.61120% Russian Federation
2Фopмaт13350.37123% Russian Federation
1justapingthing560.83022% Australia
0412Bitchass34122.83136% India
0CHAKALL25270.93026% Bulgaria
0mongo_F10270.37015% Japan
0(&)Anelli8140.57036% Germany
0Kryptel00000% Italy
dogmeat Australia
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