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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 26 players | 2020-09-18T16:22:06.331Z

1Ag!18181220% Germany
1MrFuckyouUp13220.59023% Italy
1Winston9120.75020% United Kingdom
0Steno2.050192.63038% Italy
0JAZZOCC35291.21031% Germany
0Honeypot23121.92026% Italy
0(&)Rigatoni12270.44016% Germany
0yuarkine10190.53115% Germany
0^_^871.14017% Turkey
0sergik@mac414022% Italy

1obi_de67223.05041% Germany
1Green>F-O-X16240.67021% France
0Castor.Gourmand34281.21033% France
0st28300.93129% Russian Federation
0Manu(Pfälzer:)24201.2029% Germany
0(&)-(&)1581.88038% France
031362.17054% Australia
0makh12200.6011% Uganda
0TingTong11260.42011% Slovenia
0evil.lord.vader9280.32014% Russian Federation
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