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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf eternal_valley | public | 23 players | 2020-09-18T15:53:00.749Z

4murdog2263.67033% Australia
3B@dMonkey25260.96031% France
1Castor.Gourmand39182.17033% France
1Kryptel19161.19036% Italy
1(&)Rigatoni11220.5016% Germany
1evil.lord.vader9140.64027% Russian Federation
1Maisels_Weisse6300.2111% Germany
0Ghtrye15190.79125% France
0^_^10140.71118% Turkey

2(&)-(&)19151.27132% France
2iDiot991019% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS39201.95050% Serbia
0CHAKALL20151.33027% Bulgaria
0318181140% Australia
0Blak_Rata17161.06133% France
0AlfredHugecock890.89022% Germany
0Zoli6240.25019% Hungary
0Ukr5140.36017% Ukraine
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