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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 24 players | 2020-09-15T20:13:27.166Z

4|LaTn|Edux30330.91024% Japan
2conebone24380.63026% Germany
2Ooooh_Yeah19330.58022% Australia
1LollaBunny11180.61241% Bulgaria
1iDiot9100.9031% Germany
0CHAKALL41301.37033% Bulgaria
0Sauerkraut32400.8026% Australia
0Blak_Rata30291.03144% France
0mir9320.28110% Italy
0lee-wales-uk03000% Italy

1Dormouse6597.22141% Italy
1Mou26251.04024% France
1Maisels_Weisse14360.39013% Germany
0fatmonkeygenius58183.22040% Germany
0fractal45231.96140% Italy
0Winston38361.06029% United Kingdom
0irun21310.68122% United States
0Matrix17210.81126% United States
0Gladiator17400.43116% Germany
0PaTo8390.21011% Italy
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