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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 24 players | 2020-09-15T19:32:17.869Z

4J18151.2026% United Kingdom
1yourFEAR47133.62037% Germany
1yoogrind17220.77018% Germany
1Dragan16200.8036% Germany
1heart_murmur11170.65022% Australia
0fffantastic34142.43029% Australia
0Diode1791.89022% Australia
0Zerox832.67032% Russian Federation
0PC-Baby260.33015% United Kingdom
0CısS00000% Turkey

1Zack26191.37122% Germany
1costy691117290.59023% Romania
1Ag!1150.0715% Germany
0thelonious31261.19034% Sweden
0obi_de2373.29038% Germany
0Kryptel9190.47113% Italy
0Crimson531.67025% Serbia
0Au!3100.3015% Germany
0m00se212033% Italy
0(&)Fettuce240.5118% Germany
0mir160.17014% Italy
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