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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf hidden | public | 21 players | 2020-09-14T21:31:32.322Z

1legend15220.68020% Italy
0BARCELONA[CATAL26201.3033% Russian Federation
0denti24241030% Germany
0B4nDido9922201.1014% Chile
0(&)Ravioli16141.14021% France
0apf9210.43018% Australia
0the_burger7290.24011% Australia
0PC-Baby380.38018% United Kingdom
0Toranaga221028% Switzerland
0falafelpotatoe111012% Germany

0Ceausescu53114.82041% Romania
0pimp35211.67050% Australia
0ComradeGarry21181.17030% Australia
0Ikagura16170.94114% France
0hamza13160.81118% Italy
0arabada58100.8110% Turkey
0Chief_Nick7140.506% Australia
0Snape560.83030% Russian Federation
0m00se01000% Italy
PaTo Italy
Meheeco Mexico
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