!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 23 players | 2020-09-13T20:31:31.728Z

3JoeBiden34211.62026% Switzerland
3Chief_Nick9230.3908% Australia
2superhans8230.35310% Croatia
1yourFEAR67322.09042% Germany
1Zack25231.09015% Germany
1hamza19250.76228% Italy
1SegaPluto1772.43141% Australia
1Unmanned1562.5036% Russian Federation
0(&)Lumaconi8130.62025% Germany
0PaTo250.4040% Italy
0irun00000% United States

1Kopatel29291029% Russian Federation
1sleven20260.77219% Germany
0Zowie51351.46050% Germany
0CHAKALL32231.39131% Bulgaria
0[tBMC]PhoBo21230.91021% Australia
0BARCELONA[CATAL20141.43134% Russian Federation
0acolarh12190.63127% Denmark
0conebone10330.3023% Germany
0LollaBunny8130.62023% Bulgaria
0Dragan5150.33017% Germany
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