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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 27 players | 2020-09-13T19:17:52.534Z

4Ukr21171.24128% Ukraine
2scorici21240.88019% Romania
1apf25360.69029% Australia
1TingTong16260.62213% Slovenia
1Kitboga270.29115% Australia
0Tournesol82165.13049% France
0xmaswiththeyour16161040% Italy
0Tordek13160.81019% Italy
0xpplus11130.85013% Chile
0Toranaga10190.53112% Switzerland
0Kryptel00000% Italy

2conebone27280.96021% Germany
0Zowie38192139% Germany
0Meheeco28290.97032% Mexico
0[RUSS]Peпин25241.04320% Russian Federation
0gicoculo18220.82422% Italy
0KRL(RUS)18370.49124% Russian Federation
0sencos16240.67117% Italy
0BRA-asdf14270.52127% Russian Federation
0VoiceOfTruth1381.63033% Russian Federation
0TournesoI9220.41020% United States
0(WU)oldirty8110.73015% Chile
0KOOOOOOOOT010015% Germany
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