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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 24 players | 2020-09-12T23:37:36.186Z

5iDiot10310.32024% Germany
2Wollmilch|sx|au21260.81031% Germany
2legend12290.41021% Italy
1J24260.92128% United Kingdom
1Grummel8260.31015% Germany
1HardCode5170.29014% Germany
0|DM|benzomatic53252.12045% Germany
0CHAKALL18171.06033% Bulgaria
0irun9250.36015% United States

2pizza16240.67018% Germany
1*<]:)GoT)vis*RS42182.33142% Serbia
1electus0013260.5025% Germany
1(&)-(&)1081.25032% France
1stigman4260.1508% Australia
1LollaBunny390.33222% Bulgaria
0weeeeeeeeeeeeee52202.6041% Australia
0!s]Mod47162.94136% Germany
0|DM|Cedii*45261.73146% Germany
0El38|Spectrum11111029% Russian Federation
0XENO551014% Italy
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