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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf mach2 | public | 27 players | 2020-09-12T19:42:41.207Z

3F!!!***31112.82317% Turkey
2Zoch39231.7033% Switzerland
1EndTheLockdown25211.19034% Italy
1murdog20102121% Australia
0lawnchair22112020% Australia
0JoeBiden751.4031% Switzerland
0electus00460.67026% Germany
0(&)-(&)360.5021% France
0Winston240.5015% United Kingdom

1Dragoon26132047% United States
0diabotical20121.67035% Russian Federation
0XD~20161.25019% Germany
0(&)OnziPonzi20280.71232% Italy
0Briareos12150.8014% Mexico
0Gladiator11220.5014% Germany
0TingTong8250.3215% Slovenia
0(&)Gemelli4180.2208% Italy
0Kryptel202050% Italy
0GABRIEL2280.0704% United States
0mengel025000% Germany
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