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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 22 players | 2020-09-12T13:11:05.210Z

388419240.38012% India
2murdog35113.18126% Australia
2darkomen20260.77020% Hungary
1CHAKALL45172.65129% Bulgaria
0Samarrah1381.63034% Sweden
0Green>F-O-X12260.46117% France
0Toranaga780.88025% Switzerland
0RED|Klikrzys505035% Russian Federation
0ko00000% Croatia
0(&)Marille02000% Norway

2DarKing40823171.35023% France
1(&)-(&)28151.87025% France
1TheKing25231.09122% Turkey
1XD~751.4029% Germany
0(&)OnziPonzi26231.13123% Italy
0demilune18280.64022% France
0CMB14240.58017% France
0(&)Gemelli12210.57115% Italy
0p3dg0n_9180.5010% Germany
0=DK=PoLini422033% Germany
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