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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 27 players | 2020-09-11T22:58:31.061Z

3Zoch28251.12026% Switzerland
2CHAKALL28241.17026% Bulgaria
2(&)Lanterne16180.89025% France
1pslpgw69213.29255% Australia
1J35241.46023% United Kingdom
1Steno2.027191.42242% Italy
1your_mother20270.74022% Germany
0heart_murmur19300.63022% Australia
0TingTong12340.3508% Slovenia
0Prezes6140.43024% Russian Federation
0LollaBunny2160.1304% Bulgaria
0shootyou-12-0.510% United States

4murdog19171.12122% Australia
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS76282.71258% Serbia
0movingWall32321027% United States
0(&)Gemelli25251230% Italy
0FurzKanone21230.91026% Germany
0Hamburg5218270.67138% Germany
0Briareos6140.43119% Mexico
0apf290.22011% Australia
0Green>F-O-X2330.0645% France
0NooBa1160.0613% United States
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