!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 25 players | 2020-09-11T17:44:21.336Z

3TRUMP21230.91028% Germany
2AR|Sh1n0b137182.06042% Australia
2Holgiwood22171.29028% Germany
1Steno2.038251.52132% Italy
1(&)Tagliatelle19171.12015% Russian Federation
1a_theory19230.83023% Australia
1(&)OnziPonzi11101.1020% Italy
1makh370.4306% Uganda
0Kryptel-old00000% Italy

1MacRond16340.47025% France
0Lulz60212.86037% Australia
0ЪУЪ_CЪУKA18141.29037% Ukraine
0(&)Farfalle18200.9126% France
0TingTong16240.6709% Slovenia
0(&)Gemelli13250.52016% Italy
0apf13300.43020% Australia
0joethecat11200.55020% Germany
0Hiccstrid790.78016% Australia
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