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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 14 players | 2020-09-10T13:26:26.672Z

3JAZZOCC28231.22025% Germany
2splat34271.26023% United States
2Le_Dougre27261.04130% France
1Roro-the-King18111.64119% France
0RED|Liummm34291.17032% Italy
0Ferrari812super12330.36028% Italy
0Zoli2310.0608% Hungary

2paklet36191.89024% United States
2ghostrider20250.8022% India
1[RUSS]julia47162.94035% Russian Federation
0(&)Ptitim26290.9119% Bulgaria
0Wolfman8200.4120% India
08841390.33011% India
0justapingthing1010100% Australia
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