!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf authentic | public | 14 players | 2020-09-10T13:15:57.409Z

3Steno2.036311.16136% Italy
3Maisels_Weisse15300.5315% Germany
2Roro-the-King53252.12138% France
1ghostrider12320.38012% India
1Wolfman9240.38223% India
0splat47241.96034% United States
0JAZZOCC45251.8134% Germany

2Zoli7290.24023% Hungary
1Ferrari812super13330.39025% Italy
0RED|Liummm35201.75133% Italy
0Le_Dougre34301.13130% France
0paklet33370.89131% United States
0[RUSS]julia19111.73129% Russian Federation
0(&)Ptitim18310.58120% Bulgaria
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