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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 22 players | 2020-09-06T21:31:14.076Z

2ufo_noob14160.88118% Australia
1murdog3083.75026% Australia
1Le_Dougre22151.47027% France
0[BOOF]BOOFY20220.91017% Australia
0Mysteri17180.94026% Switzerland
0|LaTn|Edux14200.7119% Japan
0Phantomas13190.68021% Mexico
0LollaBunny5100.5118% Bulgaria
0justapingthing260.33116% Australia
0Elemon01000% United States

2CHAKALL28142124% Bulgaria
1Kopatel8120.67025% Russian Federation
1BRA-asdf3100.3021% Russian Federation
0#!RE17180.94132% Russian Federation
0AfterOrgasm15180.83011% Germany
0apf15280.54118% Australia
0BARCELONA[CATAL1343.25030% Russian Federation
0Briareos981.13124% Mexico
0stigman290.22018% Australia
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