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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 25 players | 2020-09-06T21:10:14.140Z

5#!RE12330.36118% Russian Federation
2murdog27310.87128% Australia
2Le_Dougre12260.46417% France
1CHAKALL41211.95235% Bulgaria
1pizza31360.86224% Germany
1|LaTn|Edux21340.62117% Japan
0BARCELONA[CATAL25241.04124% Russian Federation
0FollettoPazzo18330.55321% Italy
0AfterOrgasm17270.6315% Germany
0Mysteri14280.5115% Switzerland
0(&)Couscous651.2028% Italy

5[BOOF]BOOFY45331.36233% Australia
2BRA-asdf10290.34210% Russian Federation
1Pimmelduft7340.2116% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS60302149% Serbia
0Unmanned49192.58332% Russian Federation
0VoiceOfTooth27280.96210% Germany
0Phantomas27300.9233% Mexico
0heart_murmur19200.95327% Australia
0Luca_Brasi10220.45212% Germany
0LollaBunny6120.5120% Bulgaria
0Jeff431.33026% Japan
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