!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 20 players | 2020-09-06T13:00:06.624Z

4Perussola17250.68122% Italy
3[RUSS]Messer13240.5414% Russian Federation
2(&)Gemelli19171.12018% Italy
1oo|nemex2373.29041% Germany
1VollBert360.5018% Germany
1Kluster101016% Czech Republic
0PocketRocket21250.84130% Sweden
0p3dg0n_6210.2913% Germany
0run470.57219% Russian Federation

3TingTong14160.88012% Slovenia
3Winston13170.7606% United Kingdom
2opus17200.85032% France
1ghostrider8180.4442% India
0ouch37211.76145% Germany
0Perkele15151116% Russian Federation
0EDY12101.2235% India
0[RUSS]julia441019% Russian Federation
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