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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 20 players | 2020-09-05T23:04:00.531Z

5iDiot16320.5120% Germany
3Abdolban20201119% Russian Federation
2damnnoob13270.48015% Portugal
1Zack32211.52022% Germany
1justapingthing24250.96020% Australia
1Unmanned23211.1121% Russian Federation
0El38|Spectrum30161.88025% Russian Federation
0Briareos24211.14017% Mexico
0Phantomas17310.55130% Mexico
0TingTong10210.48111% Slovenia

3Ladycat733191.74041% Slovenia
1QuantumImmortal13250.52017% Australia
1irun10270.37321% United States
0|DM|iZuck64232.78148% Germany
0CHAKALL34181.89235% Bulgaria
001001020240.83014% Germany
0AfterOrgasm15170.88018% Germany
0lee-wales-uk14111.27043% Italy
0Gladiator14260.54011% Germany
0LollaBunny10210.48020% Bulgaria
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