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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 22 players | 2020-09-05T22:11:37.860Z

4BRA-asdf16300.53034% Russian Federation
2Briareos28290.97126% Mexico
1CHAKALL34221.55128% Bulgaria
1Ladycat720210.95124% Slovenia
0|DM|iZuck87273.22056% Germany
0MissingDiss28142036% Australia
0pizza20300.67015% Germany
0damnnoob12280.43018% Portugal
0LollaBunny531.67025% Bulgaria
0irun00000% United States
0Pimmelduft-324-0.1207% Germany

3Zoch28370.76031% Switzerland
1Abdolban21240.88016% Russian Federation
0Midnyte~37211.76052% United States
0Zack20290.69014% Germany
0schnitzel16270.59024% Germany
0TingTong7300.23112% Slovenia
0QuantumImmortal6300.2013% Australia
0User4100.4123% Ukraine
0Fajito4210.19116% Australia
0apf250.4040% Australia
0Phantomas280.25033% Mexico
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