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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 20 players | 2020-09-03T19:47:30.436Z

2Unmanned40271.48129% Russian Federation
2VoiceOfGays17161.06023% Russian Federation
1lee-wales-uk23240.96237% Italy
0KüB40291.38044% France
0VoiceOfTruth38241.58234% Russian Federation
0cp6|tuta36291.24033% Serbia
0xFox19200.95031% Italy
0VoiceOfTooth7280.25143% Germany
0Ua4400.118% Ukraine
0MuhKuh390.33027% Germany

1|DM|iZuck76272.81160% Germany
0JustMe31320.97036% Australia
0CHAKALL20161.25032% Bulgaria
0TheKing18270.67021% Turkey
0gersomm16180.89120% France
0VoiceOfShit16330.48121% Germany
0vety14240.58239% Slovakia
0(&)Zitoni13111.18039% Japan
0AR|Sh1n0b1221060% Australia
FollettoPazzo Italy
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