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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 21 players | 2020-08-28T21:16:46.290Z

2Larry_Kpija18200.9018% Russian Federation
1cp6|tuta36281.29131% Serbia
1Zoch23221.05023% Switzerland
1Zack20230.87315% Germany
1Chief_Nick13230.5709% Australia
0Zowie59212.81045% Germany
0lapalom12240.5321% Germany
0leonnn991021% Turkey
0Achille007201000% Italy

3Gladiator16280.57117% Germany
1miguel21330.64117% Sweden
0pslpgw60282.14050% Australia
0Kopatel28181.56130% Russian Federation
0FredTheRed16340.47021% Italy
0******asdf15340.44030% Hungary
0lucas_790.78016% Italy
0Thesword515028% France
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