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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 13 players | 2020-08-25T23:35:01.852Z

7CHAKALL25300.83120% Bulgaria
6Gambit38271.41130% Australia
3Ladycat762242.58144% Slovenia
0Pretendedor8230.35213% Russian Federation
0NeverGonaGiveU^3200.15013% Australia
0sikilatçi250.409% Turkey
0GlavniJebac-342-0.0720% Slovenia

030056391.44231% New Zealand
0animalsnack48281.71027% Australia
09186125360.69120% Russian Federation
0TheWolfspinguin23300.77127% Germany
0BRA-asdf924.5037% Russian Federation
0Behemoth8280.29017% France
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