!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf sacrifice | public | 19 players | 2020-08-22T22:41:33.436Z

1Cat15170.88018% Australia
1On13180.72118% Russian Federation
1EvenSerieus9140.64117% United States
1EndTheLockdown5190.26017% Italy
0fractal24112.18150% Italy
0V314121.17024% Germany
0CocaineJesus14190.74021% Germany
0mengel-613-0.4604% Germany

1Ozma21161.31022% Australia
0Wollmilchsau21171.24028% Germany
0RedTurtleX5.5617171021% Australia
0BLUEMANGROUP11140.79133% Australia
0RageAgainst690.67017% Australia
0chicken-nuggets5190.26015% Australia
0justapingthing111011% Australia
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