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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 27 players | 2020-08-22T17:37:18.941Z

3conebone16151.07023% Germany
3On15190.79024% Russian Federation
2MacRond10230.43021% France
1BobJohnson53182.94147% Australia
1kiko37191.95136% Mexico
1|LaTn|Edux7120.58017% Japan
0murdog27151.8039% Australia
0CHAKALL25211.19028% Bulgaria
0cjubix10240.42214% Germany
0Ayren551041% Germany

0Zoch32241.33230% Switzerland
0VoiceOfЪУЪ23280.82123% Russian Federation
0(&)Corzetti20240.83025% Germany
0GEEBS9220.41018% Australia
0BlueWombat7140.5126% Australia
0(&)alcaloli5130.38116% Russian Federation
0BUZZ4100.4123% Italy
0EY4120.33121% Germany
0Radek350.6037% United States
0sys3111025% Australia
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