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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf l_ctf | public | 20 players | 2020-08-21T21:29:30.460Z

5yokoso690.67026% Germany
2BralessGrandma20102043% Italy
2JAZZOCC7110.64116% Germany
1LewwerWorschdt280.2507% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS4066.67064% Serbia
0murdog22122044% Australia
0BARCELONA[CATAL1662.67034% Russian Federation
0JustMe15111.36040% Australia
0KRL(RUS)150.209% Russian Federation

0(&)Gemelli13131027% Italy
0Duct@pe9140.64138% Australia
0Briareos8140.57022% Mexico
0Gladiator7200.35021% Germany
0jenny6160.38021% Russian Federation
0heart_murmer6160.38024% Australia
0Teurastaja6190.32015% Finland
0101010441036% Germany
0irun4160.2529% United States
kiko Mexico
(&)Spagbol Italy
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