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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 20 players | 2020-08-21T20:45:13.006Z

2QWERTY|SPAIN29181.61023% Germany
2JohnTheSniper7150.47010% Russian Federation
1JAZZOCC30201.5024% Germany
1[BOOF]BOOFY22240.92025% Australia
1Trixter5170.29021% Australia
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS40133.08061% Serbia
0FurryStorm31251.24042% Australia
0Scorpion26211.24027% Turkey
0Snape17200.85021% Russian Federation

2Chief_Nick9220.4106% Australia
1heart_murmer20250.8026% Australia
0Brassens56192.95035% France
0MAR_VAL40231.74036% Australia
0murdog20151.33216% Australia
0FredTheRed15270.56021% Italy
001001012180.67116% Germany
0sys34170.2403% Australia
0irun4310.1305% United States
kiko Mexico
(&)Spagbol Italy
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