!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 16 players | 2020-08-13T03:36:11.310Z

59tailscat63222.86055% Russian Federation
2BigBuffyBoy8525290.86232% Australia
2300cats20230.87018% New Zealand
0RedTurtleX5.5621270.78025% Australia
0shredder470.57016% Australia
0Diode030116% Australia

1Millycat40311.29127% United States
1Manu24290.83019% Germany
1VoiceOfЪУЪ340.75021% Russian Federation
0JustMe25330.76029% Australia
0{camper}dkfl-5117320.53028% Russian Federation
0eat_my_bubbles15210.71016% Australia
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