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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 18 players | 2020-08-08T19:31:17.456Z

2(&)Stelline13220.59121% Ukraine
1wall-e30251.2034% Germany
1Toranaga212040% Switzerland
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS59193.11051% Serbia
0F!!!***33261.27127% Turkey
0Zowie32162041% Germany
0(&)Fideos10240.42034% France
0Chief_Nick370.43025% Australia
0(&)Maultasche-324-0.1230% Russian Federation

0SegaPluto35231.52031% Australia
0TheIcyK35251.4053% North Macedonia, Republic of
0opus22300.73030% France
0JustMe20171.18030% Australia
0Scuba1744.25041% Australia
0B@@l_in_time9240.38114% Germany
0Ua9300.3018% Germany
0GGTK120.507% Russian Federation
0Wolfman140.25050% Italy
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