!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf hidden | public | 21 players | 2020-08-07T23:35:24.482Z

2apf14210.67024% Australia
1Crossfire37182.06023% Australia
1murdog21131.62026% Australia
1anti-you14150.93022% Germany
1TingTong11160.69016% Slovenia
1Dr.Foote7160.44116% Australia
0fudge27112.45120% Australia
0duct@pe15141.07031% Australia
0Shrumdoowap12150.8013% Australia
0#HMH4100.4122% Bulgaria

1Lokillo26181.44028% United States
0El38|Spectrum32142.29132% Russian Federation
0not_the_pirate18190.95020% United States
0SocialJustice18220.82017% Italy
0Fixit_Bey13160.81133% Japan
010101011230.48011% Germany
0chokeHold6180.33012% Australia
0|zmb|zombie450.8027% Tunisia
0delato150.207% Romania
Barbina7 Slovenia
(&)Spagbol Italy
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