!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 21 players | 2020-08-06T17:19:40.836Z

5^Square1^27141.93122% Australia
4murdog2173028% Australia
3DAIGORO1140.0701% Italy
2Sauerkraut450.8011% Australia
1[RUSS]julia18101.8026% Russian Federation
1Starve17151.13041% Czech Republic
0Vulpes450.8014% Russian Federation
0Ooooh_Yeah120.5012% Australia

0JustMe15160.94027% Australia
0VoiceOfЪУЪ1081.25019% Russian Federation
0Winston8250.32017% United Kingdom
0Ua450.8030% Germany
0gersomm250.4014% France
0I-K-Y00000% France
0............00000% Russian Federation
0fragginfucker-21-220% Germany
0momo-216-0.1233% Italy
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