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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 15 players | 2020-08-03T19:05:53.582Z

1QWERTY|SPAIN15160.94020% Germany
1Perussola11280.39114% Italy
0corn47104.7131% Germany
0frozen38132.92130% France
0|DM|trackpad29132.23053% Australia
0_fly11220.5031% Germany
0cp6|dex10200.5026% Serbia

0EDY30251.2036% India
0TrianG24231.04020% Latvia
0PeasePudding12250.48041% Italy
0DeinMudda331037% Sweden
0Epicur380.38027% Russian Federation
0(&)Penne_zita-121-0.0523% India
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