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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 23 players | 2020-08-01T17:50:06.333Z

1JustMe30122.5034% Australia
1Abdolban25201.25018% Russian Federation
1\/3100.309% Germany
0movingWall41133.15133% United States
0Someone28201.4020% United States
0ICC|TurboFennec20151.33037% Italy
0On20260.77021% Russian Federation
0(&)Zitoni680.75024% Japan
0Mero|tee|230.67033% Germany
0zaky00000% Russian Federation
0kuksu07000% Finland

0|DM|trackpad40142.86061% Australia
0(&)Pici17230.74125% Germany
0[RUSS]Messer15230.6519% Russian Federation
0tuta1371.86021% Serbia
0dumper9270.33119% China
0MacRond6160.38012% France
0******asdf350.6015% Hungary
0old_scorpion370.43017% Germany
0Gato_Rabioso221012% Germany
0Ken0bi1100.106% France
0Otto1160.0604% Germany
(&)Ravioli Unknown
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