!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf autumn | public | 23 players | 2020-07-29T18:53:00.803Z

3BiteItYouScum19131.46032% Germany
2Perussola33281.18129% Italy
2XzAs15270.56117% Germany
1opus29181.61135% France
1cid1662.67033% Germany
1Mero|tee|11250.44111% Switzerland
0BUZZ33162.06139% Italy
0_fly24151.6026% Germany
0Jackrabbit350.6011% Sweden
0Frootloops_00000% Mexico

2Toranaga13270.48112% Switzerland
1nikita-ARg20181.11112% Russian Federation
0Winston25241.04036% United Kingdom
0Springbok24241125% Russian Federation
0maxsuper21250.84217% Russian Federation
0xXriyadXx15300.5121% Italy
0porteavion10240.42014% France
0Phantomas3300.1013% Mexico
0TrianG240.5011% Latvia
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