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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 23 players | 2020-07-28T18:36:12.547Z

4On23211.1122% Russian Federation
2thelonious43192.26041% Sweden
2xFlask!27112.45026% Russian Federation
2torpedo_los21141.5028% Norway
1AlfredHugecock19191121% Germany
0)NaRuTo/girl(16200.8119% Russian Federation
0Taco2611160.69218% Australia
0Mero|tee|4120.3308% Germany
0MuhKuh270.2908% Germany

0hummus43192.26039% Germany
0Epicur17270.63223% Russian Federation
0Gotcha15151017% Italy
0Dragan14300.47022% Germany
0Pwny10250.4112% Germany
0(&)Spagbol8110.73119% Italy
0CreamyAsshole590.56120% Italy
0Jackrabbit120.504% Sweden
0Atheist120.5010% Germany
0frozen00000% France
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