!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf authentic | public | 17 players | 2020-07-24T23:35:39.389Z

2Gambit46212.19138% Australia
1VoiceOfTruth25231.09424% Russian Federation
1BlueWombat19181.06128% Australia
0dp2640162.5032% Germany
0Hamburg5216240.67040% Germany
0ROTAMbr723.5025% Russian Federation

1[tBMC]tnyELVIS!15250.6125% Australia
1NooBa2280.0701% United States
0Waterpoof41271.52128% Germany
0JustMe28261.08030% Australia
0mayo21270.78125% Australia
0LeoT16360.4408% Slovenia
0splat111050% United States
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