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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tempest | public | 18 players | 2020-07-18T14:49:59.201Z

1wlkn16121.33035% Australia
1someone1271.71024% United States
1[fr]RED>F-O-X7130.54028% France
1dragone12345220.23013% Italy
0Pro.D.gaL51242.13136% Australia
0******asdf28281139% Hungary
0(&)Mandala14220.64124% France

1Momo39221.77136% Germany
1MuhKuh10250.4055% Germany
1MrAckee7230.3017% Italy
0Jazzman28310.9131% Sweden
0w00p|tenshi1033.33041% Germany
0lsv9120.75033% Ukraine
0_fly8230.35013% Germany
0El38|Spectrum531.67021% Russian Federation
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