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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf infamy | public | 19 players | 2020-07-16T21:01:12.143Z

3opus21220.95046% France
3Chief_Nick13190.68113% Australia
1w00p|tenshi56222.55144% Germany
1Shitting_Bricks12230.52018% Netherlands
0ELKuKuY18190.95030% Japan
0schnitzel9220.41031% Germany
0MuhKuh270.29040% Germany
0Mexica00000% Mexico

3Mero|tee|7200.35011% Germany
1*<]:)GoT)vis*RS60173.53164% Serbia
1Zack17210.81123% Germany
1Hamburg529150.6047% Germany
0<øG>Minipussy15170.88120% Mexico
0Ag!11230.48033% Germany
0XzAs313037% Germany
0MisterFister150.208% Germany
0AfterOrgasm00000% Germany
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