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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 26 players | 2020-07-14T20:45:57.655Z

3(&)Pici9200.45013% United States
2phoenixwright28261.08033% Germany
1Lokillo34211.62127% United States
1Hector32231.39027% United States
1Mr.G25191.32023% Czech Republic
1hybrid6220.27011% Russian Federation
0WASP58173.41041% Norway
0Nix57193046% Germany
02020_;-)42123.5126% Germany
0peugeot20630171.76122% Croatia
0(&)Linguine20121.67135% France

0Ag!22380.58128% Germany
0wlkn16220.73133% Australia
0emma13280.46013% Germany
0Phantomas12320.38020% Mexico
0ELKuKuY9220.41010% Japan
0LollaBunny5290.17015% Bulgaria
0(&)Ptitim4110.36016% United States
0(&)Gemelli321.5027% Italy
0ЫTЬ3120.25013% Russian Federation
0Mero|tee|180.13014% Germany
0Bubble-Bass00000% United States
0LeoT-111-0.0910% Slovenia
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