!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf hidden | public | 21 players | 2020-11-28T23:15:43.846Z

1paklet4267036% United States
1faceshot;)23280.82121% New Zealand
1Zack12200.609% Germany
0dp2629161.81031% Germany
0(&)Mostaccioli6130.46015% Italy
0(&)Croxetti6220.27013% United States
0(&)Mandala6230.2607% Hungary
0Millycat-13-0.3300% United States

1J28112.55030% United Kingdom
0|DM|iZuck3493.78042% Germany
0Hitman25241.04036% Russian Federation
0{noob}Mouse18181025% United States
0GregorKartoffel16210.76026% Switzerland
0Colofonius13170.76015% Germany
0Im_A_Bird1200.0502% Switzerland
0(&)Stelline02000% Germany
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