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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf garden | public | 28 players | 2020-11-26T18:31:06.379Z

1B@@L_4ever14240.58318% Germany
1Holgiwood14350.4218% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS56341.65256% Serbia
0sergik@mac15240.63117% Italy
0Crypto-Chief11330.33012% Australia
0JoeBiden9140.64025% Switzerland
0Maqx[Flips]881022% Germany
0(&)Mostaccioli8140.57014% Italy
0Noobee761.17130% Serbia
0MacRond7280.25018% France
0oMeGalak5260.19013% France

1(&)Tagliatelle14220.64117% France
1Kryptel13270.48114% Italy
0|DM|iZuck91243.79255% Germany
0Dormouse42162.63036% Italy
0(&)Spaghettini33241.38223% Italy
0bannana30152140% Australia
0Steno2.024231.04023% Italy
0SemiDrunk19220.86318% Germany
0_fly13160.81120% Germany
0EvenSerieus8280.2909% United States
0jk130.33012% Australia
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