!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf twinforts | public | 18 players | 2020-11-22T16:44:04.035Z

20_033221.5029% United States
2PeasePudding651.2035% Italy
1Brei?15250.6124% Sweden
1roja_negra12330.36021% Ukraine
0Valis61292.1041% Germany
0fractal45251.8047% Italy
0=TrS=Mero551031% Germany
0winner|TRUMP00000% Germany

2pimp34311.1133% Australia
2MuhKuh12310.39023% Germany
1J35281.25028% United Kingdom
1CeвepныйBapяг8360.22013% Russian Federation
0|DM|iZuck45261.73141% Germany
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