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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf autumn | public | 26 players | 2020-11-21T20:49:59.820Z

1J35271.3025% United Kingdom
1Crypto-Chief19200.95018% Australia
1Kryptel13280.46015% Italy
0Valis60311.94038% Germany
0skjo57202.85244% United States
0Ladycat727191.42129% Slovenia
0murdog25231.09028% Australia
0Kopatel19280.68126% Russian Federation
0Gibby_McFragger551038% Australia
0coucou3230.1303% France

0|DM|bandandit51252.04136% Australia
0fractal37321.16145% Italy
0Crowd>sata36201.8047% Russian Federation
0apf24320.75032% Australia
0Blak_Rata20290.69128% Italy
0porteavion17320.53112% France
0ARCH(&)Tortelli10300.3307% Slovenia
0Mr.Bean9230.39215% Russian Federation
0aztec101050% Germany
0AR|Sh1n0b101000% Australia
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