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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 14 players | 2020-11-21T01:41:43.014Z

4[Deb]wuoldirty8200.407% Chile
2[tBMC]phoBo13170.76017% Australia
2Blak_Rata10200.5016% Italy
1SegaPluto45182.5039% Australia
1Neer15200.75026% Australia
1[BOOF]BOOFY670.86023% Australia
0RedTurtleX5.5623240.96025% Australia

2poopy-nuggets27231.17021% Croatia
29116200.8018% France
2[tBMC]bensocket580.63020% Australia
1AntareS[GT]13270.48017% Netherlands
0(&)Rigatoni42212134% Australia
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