!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 21 players | 2020-11-12T21:50:11.553Z

3sad81223.68057% Italy
3Kryptel16290.55017% Italy
1(&)Tagliatelle29261.12036% France
1FredQuecksilber21260.81024% Germany
1Babushka16111.45132% Germany
1CapsLock9240.3816% Turkey
0(&)VeganPasta2082.5045% Italy
0Kaulbarsch111014% Germany

19112260.46118% France
0dp2643331.3041% Germany
0pimp39341.15144% Australia
0vety28340.82139% Slovakia
0=TrS=Mero11200.55015% Switzerland
0[sQ]shuzo1033.33055% United Kingdom
0Wolfman5120.42029% India
0vano5340.1508% Moldova, Republic of
0_.....-13-0.3310% Hungary
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