!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 14 players | 2020-11-10T00:50:48.819Z

3lee-wales-uk44331.33138% Italy
1(&)Rigatoni28290.97227% Australia
1Lord-Grummel8250.32116% Germany
0Proxy17250.68115% Chile
0yxng__g0rt5100.5211% Australia
0Lesha691200.0513% Serbia

3lawnchair33301.1224% Australia
3RedTurtleX5.5623350.66119% Australia
2JustMe27330.82023% Australia
1<J4F>Sahadar47311.52139% Russian Federation
0Ao1|Pointblank46291.59218% Australia
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