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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tempest | public | 16 players | 2020-11-04T03:30:56.066Z

1[tBMC]bensocket21230.91031% Australia
1HarryBrowne15141.07230% Australia
1apf4190.21117% Australia
0MoscowMitch19280.68041% Australia
0\13190.68020% Australia
0(&)Cannelloni8210.38118% Russian Federation

3Sylar3165.17040% Australia
3dp2617250.68130% Germany
3toocoob12160.75026% Italy
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS2655.2057% Serbia
0noah20171.18135% Australia
0[tBMC]phoBo19111.73019% Australia
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